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Debt & the Impacts of the IFIs: Exploring Paths to Reparation and Change

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Save the dates: 12th -13th december 2023 at Hotel Laico Tunis, the Tunisian Observatory of Economy will hold a conference entitled "Debt & the Impacts of the IFIs: Exploring Paths to Reparation and Change".


This two-day conference is intended to open a space of joint reflection and dialogue between different stakeholders on the mobilizations that occurred at the sidelines of the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings in Marrakech. Its goal is to provide an inclusive framework that is necessary for the emergence of a shared vision on the issue of debt and International Financial Institutions (IFIs), in Tunisia.  


More specifically, the conference aims to: 

  • highlight the disastrous impacts of IFIs' policies on Tunisia and the countries of the Global South, putting forward the systemic damages of these institutions ;

  • stress need for active denunciation of these policies, given their consequences for populations and economies ;

  • monitor the ongoing mobilization of Southern countries against the IFIs and the global economic order, as a sign of South-South solidarity ;

  • Oppose planned or ongoing reforms and define a clear advocacy agenda for alternatives to these reforms in Tunisia ;

  • Put back on the agenda the action on debt in Tunisia, building on post-revolutionary victories and the experiences of countries in the South to renew the objectives of a Tunisian struggle on debt and the IFIs ;    

  • Place the Tunisian struggle in a regional (North Africa) and global (Global South) context.

Throughout the different sessions of our event, we will develop an alternative narrative in Tunisia focused on holding to account the IFIs, formulate evidence-based reparations demands, and lay the foundations for thinking about viable alternatives to the policies imposed by these institutions.
As a proposed approach we are suggesting that the reflection would be articulated through the following pathways that condition each other:
  • Assessment for accountability
  • Accountability for reparations 

  • Auditing the debt to negotiate and cancel

  • Resisting and changing development policies in Tunisia (alternatives to the IFIs reforms) 

  • Resisting to reverse the balance of power at the regional and global level.

We will keep you posted for more information about our guests, speakers, conference agenda, and registration. Follow our page and activate notifications to be informed in a timely manner."
Please, fill the participation form 


Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 09:30 to Wednesday, December 13, 2023 - 13:00

Collaborative Workshop is ongoing.